1. BRENDAN HUNT, BSN, RN, CNOR, PCC with brother, Larry Hunt : You’re A Nurse 24/7

  2. BRIDGET L. KUMBELLA, RN, MA, BSN : Cultural Constancy

  3. DIAHANN BARTHELEMY, AAS, RN : Some Things We Can’t Fix

  4. GEORGINA DELOATCH, BSN, RN : Continuing A Legacy of Helping Others

    Staff RN

  5. JOAN O’BRIEN, MSN, RN, NE-BC : What My First AIDS Patient Taught Me

    Director of Nursing, Heart Center, Center and Services
    Patient Care

  6. KEVIN STEFFENS, BSN, MBA, RN : Let Me Go Peacefully

    Director of Nursing, Prevention and Outreach

  7. KEVIN STEFFENS, BSN, MBA, RN : Misinterpretation of AIDS

  8. MARY JO MALONEY, BSN, RN, Manager of Chronic Care : My Father and Alzheimer’s

    CMO Provider Relations

  9. MARY KATE WALKER, BSN, RN : One on One

    Staff Nurse, Children’s Hematology and Oncology

  10. MARY KATE WALKER, BSN, RN : Watching A Young Person Die

    Staff Nurse, Children’s Hematology and Oncology

  11. MAUREEN EISELE, MS, RN, CCRN, CNN : I Could Have Been A Doctor

    Staff Coordinator, Dialysis Center

  12. MOHAMED YASIN, MSN/MPH, RN, NE-BC : Talking Softly To Heal

    Assistant Nurse Manager

  13. MONICA OBERLANDER, MA, BSN, RN : The Challenges You Encounter in LIfe Shape Who You Are

    Nurse Manager, Montefiore Institute for Reproductive Medicine
    and Health Center for Fertility Preservation

  14. NATHAN LEVITT, BSN, RN : Navigating Healthcare As a Transgender Man

  15. PHYLLIS PICKENS, BSN, RN : Nursing As Acceptance

  16. SANDRA BARNES, MSN, RN-BC : Compassion Is Within You

    Patient Care Coordinator, Red Zone, Medicine

  17. SHANNON CARROLL, BA, ASN, RN : Access To Care

    Case Manager