1. Bedside

  2. BRIDGET L. KUMBELLA, RN, MA, BSN : Nurses On the Front Lines

  3. JOAN O’BRIEN, MSN, RN, NE-BC : Death in the I.C.U.

  4. JOAN O’BRIEN, MSN, RN, NE-BC : Educating The Patient

    Director of Nursing, Heart Center, Center and Services
    Patient Care

  5. KEVIN STEFFENS, BSN, MBA,RN : LGBT Community and Faith

    Director of Nursing, Prevention and Outreach

  6. MARY HELEN BARLETTI, MSN, MA, BA, BSN, RN, AAS, CCRN : I See Death Differently

    Staff Nurse

  7. MARY KATE WALKER, BSN, RN : Death As A Progression of Life

    Staff Nurse, Children’s Hematology and Oncology

  8. MAUREEN EISELE, MS, RN, CCRN, CNN : Advances in Dialysis Treatment and Quality of Life

  9. MOHAMED YASIN, MSN/MPH, RN, NE-BC : When Something Goes Wrong

  10. NATHAN LEVITT, BSN, RN : Need for Transgender Healthcare Education