1. NANCY BLANCK, BSN : Portable X-Rays, IV’s, Lab Work and Rehabilitation Now in Nursing Homes

  2. NANCY BLANCK, BSN : Re-Purposing Nursing Homes As Sub-Acute Facilities

  3. SANDRA RANDALL, BSN, MS, RN, NHA : Nursing Is That Holistic Approach

  4. SANDRA RANDALL, BSN, MS, RN, NHA : Nursing Is The Most Trusted Profession – Be Proud Of That

  5. SANDRA RANDALL, BSN, MS, RN, NHA : What’s the Difference Between Assisted Living and Skilled Nursing Care?

  6. SR BRIGID MUENI, CSN : Extracting Arrows and Transport via Bicycle: Nursing in Kenya

  7. SR STEPHEN BLOESL, RN : How To Heal Foster Care Children and Palliative Care Residents with Farm Animals

  8. SR STEPHEN BLOESL, RN : Palliative Care: What We Didn’t Know 30 Years Ago

  9. VALERIE BRUNNER, RN : The Role of Media in Educating About End of Life Care