KATIE Couric Show – “Celebrating Nurses”
“Katie salutes nurses across the country. Meet the heroes who heal us, inspire us and save our lives.” (Aired July 16, 2014)
“Katie salutes nurses across the country. Meet the heroes who heal us, inspire us and save our lives.” (Aired July 16, 2014)
The New York Times – “Attending Life’s First Breath and Its Last”
“elegantly clear-eyed… a worthwhile documentary… Tears are almost inevitable.”
“elegantly clear-eyed… a worthwhile documentary… Tears are almost inevitable.”
The Washington Post – “A Look at the Lives of American Nurses”
“…mix of powerful images with words of men and women whose lives are devoted to healing.”
“…mix of powerful images with words of men and women whose lives are devoted to healing.”
ABC News – “The American Nurse Celebrates Unsung Healing Heroes on the Front Lines of Health Care”
“…personal stories of nurses of every stripe from every facet of society.”
“…personal stories of nurses of every stripe from every facet of society.”
The Village Voice – “…Documentary About Genuine Human Decency”
“The diversity of her subjects is impressive… stirs new appreciation for the profession.”
“The diversity of her subjects is impressive… stirs new appreciation for the profession.”
The Hollywood Reporter – “Carolyn Jones introduces five very different perspectives on contemporary nursing”
“A compassionate and psychologically revealing doc”
“A compassionate and psychologically revealing doc”
Woman’s Day – “A Film that Will Make You Love Nurses Even MORE”
“I left the NYC premiere feeling so much love and respect for these important healthcare professionals.”
“I left the NYC premiere feeling so much love and respect for these important healthcare professionals.”
WYPR Radio: Midday with Dan Rodricks – Interview with Carolyn Jones and Naomi Cross
“exploring the American experiences of healthcare, poverty, war and the hospice through the eyes of nurses.”
“exploring the American experiences of healthcare, poverty, war and the hospice through the eyes of nurses.”
The Durham Herald-Sun – “A moving film about life and death, and those who care“
“beyond a must-see for those who are or have been nurses, “The American Nurse” is an important piece of work for all Americans to watch, as everyone comes in contact with a nurse at some point in their lives”
The Aisle Seat – “The American Nurse”
“Intellectually and emotionally engaging. This is one of the best films you’ll see this year, documentary or otherwise.”
“Intellectually and emotionally engaging. This is one of the best films you’ll see this year, documentary or otherwise.”
NYC Movie Guru – “The American Nurse”
“…this moving and humanizing documentary will forever change the way you look at nurses.”
“…this moving and humanizing documentary will forever change the way you look at nurses.”
Pop Matters – “The American Nurse: Five Health Care Workers”
“The film’s connections between scenes — within single storylines and also across the experiences of the various nurses — construct an emotional and moral throughline, beyond particular place or crisis.”
“The film’s connections between scenes — within single storylines and also across the experiences of the various nurses — construct an emotional and moral throughline, beyond particular place or crisis.”
Lancaster New Era – “Film about nurses…”
“…a portrait of five amazing people whose compassion, intelligence and open hearts will remain with you for a long time to come.”
“…a portrait of five amazing people whose compassion, intelligence and open hearts will remain with you for a long time to come.”